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Alison Hughes
The Silence Slips In
(Illustrated by Ninon Pelletier, Orca Book Publishers, March 2019)
* Translated into French
* R. Ross Annett Award (Alberta Literary Awards), awarded 2021
* Willow Awards (SK) nominee 2020
* CCBC Finding Hope in Hard Times Reading List 2020
* CCBC Best Books for Kids & Teens 2019
When the party's over and the baby finally falls asleep, when the dog is all barked out and the screens are dark, the Silence pads in on soft, furry feet. This is a quiet story about learning to find calm in the busy world around you.
Kirkus Reviews "This ode to mindfulnes...[is] just right for busy families who seek balance and mindfulness."
Publishers' Weekly "...gently alludes to the benefits of finding contentment in quietude and how learning to do so might benefit readers for years to come."
CM Magazine (Highly Recommended) "...a lovely book about finding the silence and calm in life...fits well when discussing self-regulation and mindfulness with children."
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